Read Current Chrome Tab Url in to Text File

If you need to close your browser, but yous're non ready to close your tabs, there are several means you can save the URLs from your tabs in your browser then you can go dorsum to them later.

Do you need to close your browser only you're not ready to close all your tabs? Maybe your browser is getting chaotic considering you take too many tabs open up or you desire to reclaim the resources all your open tabs are using. Or maybe you demand to reboot Windows.

Don't worry. Whatever the reason for endmost your tabs, you can copy the URLs from all your open tabs and save them in a file or email them to yourself. Today we'll show you some methods you tin use to save your tab URLs in Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera, and Edge.

Chrome, Vivaldi, and Opera

You can use the same extensions in Chrome, Vivaldi, and Opera to re-create the URLs from all your open tabs.

TabCopy Extension

The TabCopy extension provides a simple drop-down window containing three options for which sets of URLs to copy and the format they will be copied in.

Install TabCopy using 1 of the following links:

  • Chrome or Vivaldi
  • Opera

Click the TabCopy button on the toolbar to admission the TabCopy drop-down dialog box.

You tin can copy the URL for the selected tab, re-create all the URLs for all the tabs in the current window or all open windows. The extension too allows you to copy the URLs in three different formats:

  • Expanded – The links are copied and pasted with title and URL on separate lines and a blank line between each tab's URL.
  • Compact – The links are copied with no extra spacing. Each title and URL are on the aforementioned line separated with a colon. And there is no bare line betwixt each tab's URL.
  • Link – This copies the tab URLs as hyperlinks. Make sure you paste these links into a program that accepts hyperlinks, like Word. Otherwise, all you'll get are the titles of the links and no URLs.

TabCopy extension in Chrome

And so, you lot tin paste the copied URLs into a program like Notepad or Discussion and save it. Or you can email them to yourself.

Tab URLs from TabCopy extension saved in Notepad

Re-create URLs Extension

The Copy URLs extension provides several dissimilar ways yous tin re-create URLs for all your open tabs.

Install Copy URLs using i of the following links:

  • Chrome or Vivaldi
  • Opera

This extension allows you to copy all URLs or the URLs for only spider web pages. For case, if you accept the extensions page open in Chrome (chrome://extensions), the Copy All URLs option will re-create that URL, just the Only web-pages pick will not.

Nether Export tabs from, cull All windows or Current (active) window.

Select the Format you want to re-create the URLs in. You can even gear up your ain Custom format.

Every bit you select your settings, what will be copied displays in the URL list at the top of the dialog box.

Once you've chosen your settings, click Copy to Clipboard.

Copy URLs Chrome extension


In Firefox, you can use the homepage setting to copy all the tab URLs. Or, yous tin can use an add-on, and we list two add together-ons here.

Copy All Tab URLs Using the Homepage Setting

If you'd rather not install an add-on to copy all tab URLs, yous can apply the homepage setting to practise this.

First, go to Firefox menu > Options.

Select Options from the Firefox menu

Click Home on the left side of the Options tab.

Click Home on Settings page in Firefox

Make sure Custom URLs is selected from the Homepage and new windows driblet-down list nether New Windows and Tabs.

If you already take several web pages set equally your homepages, re-create those from the edit box beneath the drib-down list and paste them somewhere to temporarily save them. We're going to utilise that box to get all our tab URLs.

Click Use Current Pages below the box to load all the URLs from all the tabs into the box. Then, put the cursor in the box, select all (Ctrl + A), and copy (Ctrl + C).

Click Use Current Pages for homepage in Firefox

Paste the URLs into a text editor or discussion processor, or into an e-mail and then you can send the URLs to yourself or share them with someone else.

The URLs are all separated with vertical bars. You tin replace them with railroad vehicle returns manually. Or, if you take a lot of URLs, you can use the Search > Supplant option in Notepad++ to find the vertical bars (|) and replace them with wagon returns (\r).

Replace vertical bars in URLs copied from Firefox

You lot tin copy your original set of web pages back to the edit box below the drop-downwardly list under New Windows and Tabs now.

tabs2txt Add together-on

The tabs2txt add-on provides an piece of cake manner to copy all the tab URLs to the clipboard.

Install the tabs2txt addition and and then click the Copy Tab URLs button on the toolbar.

A driblet-down dialog box displays with the URLs for all the open tabs highlighted. Click Copy to Clipboard, or press Ctrl + C, and paste the URLs in another plan like Notepad or Word and relieve the document. Y'all can besides paste the URLs into an e-mail in any e-mail program and send them to yourself.

To open the aforementioned set of URLs again, open up the file you saved them in or the email yous sent yourself, select them, and copy them (Ctrl + C).

Click the Copy Tab URLs push again, paste the copied URLs into the box, and click Open tabs. The URLs are opened on separate tabs to the correct of the currently agile tab.

The tabs2txt add-on in Firefox

FoxyTab Add-on

The FoxyTab add together-on provides many tools for working with tabs like duplicating tabs, closing duplicate tabs, merging browser windows, saving a tab every bit a PDF file, and creating a desktop shortcut for a spider web page on a tab.

You lot tin also use FoxyTab to copy a single tab, groups of tabs, or all the URLs from the current window.

Install the FoxyTab improver and then right-click on any tab. Go to FoxyTab > Copy and select an option from the submenu. When copying all the tab URLs, you tin cull to copy just the URL or include the title with the URL.

The FoxyTab add-on in Firefox

Paste the copied tab URLs in whatsoever other app, like Notepad or Give-and-take. You can besides paste the URLs into an email in whatsoever email plan and send them to yourself.

URLs copied from Firefox into Notepad using FoxyTabs

FoxyTab has many options available to customize the add together-on. Printing Ctrl + Shift + A to open the Manage your extensions folio and click Options side by side to FoxyTab.


Edge doesn't have a feature specifically for copying all URLs, and there are no extensions that do this either. But there is a workaround using the Set Tabs Aside feature added in the Windows 10 Creators update. So, you must be running the Windows 10 Creators update or later to use this workaround.

Keep open but the tabs you want to copy. Click Set these tabs aside in the upper-left corner of the window.

Click Set these tabs aside in Edge

Then, click See all your tabs.

Click See all your tabs in Edge

Click the card push button (three horizontal dots) in the upper-right corner of the Tabs you've fix bated panel and select Share tabs.

Select Share tabs for tabs set aside in Edge

The Share dialog box lists apps installed from the Microsoft Store that have copied URLs as input. Click the app you want to employ to relieve the URLs. If y'all don't run into the app you want to use, click Get apps in Store at the bottom of the dialog box and install the app you want to use.

For my case, I'grand going to paste the URLs into a note in OneNote. Then, I click OneNote on the Share dialog box.

Click an app to share URLs in Edge

Some other Selection for Copying Tab URLs in Chrome and Firefox

If you're using Chrome or Firefox, you tin also use an extension chosen OneTab. When you have too many tabs open, click the OneTab icon on the toolbar and all your tabs are converted into a list and displayed on one tab. You lot tin can salve the list of URLs as a text file from that tab.

  • OneTab for Chrome
  • OneTab for Firefox

Mark covered OneTab in the GroovyPost guide to the best Chrome extensions.

Work Efficiently with Tabs in Your Browser

Nosotros've discussed other ways of working efficiently with tabs in various browsers.

If you often surf the web on multiple devices, yous tin can sync open Chrome tabs and sync open Firefox tabs across devices.

You can also open the same ready of web pages every fourth dimension you outset your browser and speedily reopen closed tabs in Chrome and Firefox.


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